Laravel Validation
AV Forms integrate with Laravel's validator
Adding validation to a field
Validation is easily added to any form field via the validation
option when creating a field
$blueprint = new FormBlueprint();
$blueprint->add('website_url', 'text', [
'label' => 'A label',
'validation' => 'max:100|url'
Adding validation to a model
You can also set validation on a model that will be combined with any form validation. To do this, add a getValidationRules
method to your model that return an array of validation data just like is shown in the laravel validation documentation.
// within your eloquent model
public function getValidationRules()
return [
'my_database_field' => 'max:30',
'example_url_field' => 'url'
Adding a custom error message to the form
If you want to set a custom error message on the form, you can do so with the addCustomErrors method on the form handler:
use AV\Form\FormBlueprint;
use AV\Form\FormError;
$blueprint = new FormBlueprint();
$blueprint->add('website_url', 'text', [
'label' => 'A label',
$form = Form::build($blueprint);
if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
if ($form->getData('website_url') != '') {
$form->addCustomErrors([new FormError('website_url', 'Website URL must be')]);
// if ($form->isValid()) ... etc
The first parameter of the FormError class is the field name related to the error and the second parameter is the error you want to display. When you add a custom error, the form is considered to have validation errors and isValid
will return false.